Va Latin Catering: Abuela's Latin Cuisine


A taste of our grandma’s classic recipes and mouthwatering new twists


Here at Va’ Latin, we pride ourself in making traditional Puerto Rican cuisine the way abuela did – con amor.

Head Chef Derick Rivera had the privilege of learning Puerto Rican family traditions from his late grandmother Haydee Valentin-Rivera. Mrs. Valentin-Rivera, and the authentic dishes she taught Derick to cook, are the inspiration for Va’ Latin’s brand and mission.

Our mission is to immerse our customers in our culture through food. By providing fresh, vibrant dishes to events throughout Greater Cleveland, we hope to share our heritage with as many people as possible.

A elderly woman with glasses and a floral blouse smiles at the camera

From our family to yours... ¡Buen Provecho!

Savor latin flavors at your next event!

Va’ Latin offers catering services to events and venues throughout Greater Cleveland, Ohio.

We can’t wait to work with you to create an individualized catering menu to meet your budget and tastes.


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(216) 699-0153

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